Pristine Academy & Centre for Excellence
CALL US: 6390309960
Registered under trust Pristine Academy & Centre for Excellence 260/18, 15-11-18

Important Information
PACE has partnered with EDUCOS for its teaching learning material and technical support for providing best Education in Ballia. For more information click here
पेस ने बलिया में सर्वश्रेष्ठ शिक्षा प्रदान करने के लिए अपनी शिक्षण अधिगम सामग्री और तकनीकी सहायता के लिए EDUCOS के साथ भागीदारी की है।
अधिक जानकारी के लिए क्लिक करें.
Learning Stages @ PACE
As per the National Education Policy 2020. Pristine Academy has devised the curriculum purely based on the government guidelines and NCERT.
The foundation stage is for students ages 3 to 6.
The entry level for Foundation Stage 1 is completion of 3 years on or before 30th of March 2025, for the session of 2025 -26.
And in continuation with that for the admission to Class FS4 (Class1) age of 6 years on or before March 30, 2025 is mandatory.
Curriculum for Foundation Stages -Key Highlights
The curriculum focuses on following centres of development.
Language development - English & Hindi.
Writing - Hindi and English
Reading - Hindi and English
Speaking - Hindi and English.
Mathematical Activities - Logic building
Nature & Science - Awareness about National Festivals, Seasons, Plants, Vegetables, Animals, Vehicles, etc. (all taught in bilingual method). All workbooks are also bilingual.
Rhymes & Stories - Recitation of poems in Hindi and English language based on monthly themes. Story telling is also encouraged to foster creativity.
Art & Creativity - is yet another important aspect of a child's development. It encourages free expression and develops spatial knowledge and fine motor skills.
Outdoor & Indoor games - on a daily / weekly basis there is a schedule of activities which involve physical movement of children. It enhances concentration and physical health.
Use of technology. Students are shown all the teaching and learning material including PDF's and the Audio-Visual material etc. through projectors. The classrooms are dynamic and provide different modes of education.
Curriculum for Preparatory Stages -Key Highlights
The curriculum focuses on following centres of development.
Classes 3 to 5 are focused on different centers and teaching methods.
1. Language - Reading, writing and speaking.
-> Focus on assembly performance
-> focus on drama and role plays
-> Focus on recording and improving of students' performances.
-> Focus on creative writing through essay and story making
-> Focus on grammar and language exercises.
-> Quiz is organized regularly to check the language and grammar of students.
(This is for both Hindi and English)
2. Mathematics - Logic & Reasoning
-> Conceptual focus on all the aspects of basic arithmetic.
-> Practical application based and activity-based lesson plans which engage the attention of child and improves the concepts.
-> Reasoning is taught separately to develop reasoning skills in students.
-> Separate exercises are given to practice mathematics
-> Regular Quiz are organized to check the knowledge of students in MC pattern.
the level requirement of their learning stage.
3. Nature & Science - Environment Education
-> Constant focus on the environment and world around us. Skits and dramas on cleanliness.
-> Tree planting drives.
-> Learning to conserve the present by studying about the past.
-> Education about sustainable methods of living.
-> Team based projects, assignments and assessments.
-> Regular quizzes to check progress and understanding of the children.
4. Art Education
-> Art education is important part of academics at PACE.
-> Regular classes on Art by experienced teacher.
-> Focus is primarily on drawing, sketching and coloring.
5. IT Skills/ Computer Education
-> Information about basic computer fundamentals is imparted to students.
-> Computer Lab classes are a part of timetable from class 3 onwards.
-> Students are trained on usage of basic skills on Microsoft Office
6. Physical Education
-> Students participate in various sports and games activities organized in campus throughout the year. Particularly around Children's Day -Sports Day is organized.
-> At PACE the focus is not only on winning but towards development of sportsmanship spirit which has its own advantages in life and learning.
Curriculum for Middle Stages -Key Highlights
Academic Subjects
In addition to the above curriculum, following are added.
Language - Sanskrit language is taught as 3rd language from class 6 onwards.
Marketing - is taught has skill subject with ample case studies and contemporary knowledge about industries.
Digital Citizenship - is introduced considering it as the most important 21st century skill to be learnt by students considering the higher usage of internet and technology.
Social Sciences - Introduction of disciplines like history, geography and civics
STEM - Going forward from environment education from class 6 a more formal approach is taken towards generating curiosity about the world around us in the minds of young children and showing them the importance of scientific methods. Building the blocks of science and STEM by conceptual understanding of Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology.
Art Education - is continued as per the syllabus
Physical Education -
Computer / IT skills - Making presentations and delivering them is part of most of the subjects taught in the school. However, there is focus on providing computer lab time to students to help them acquire hands on technical knowledge.